Judge Disciplined Over Pantyhose Fetish

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    COLUMBUS, Ohio (IB) – Following an investigation that began a few months ago, a Municipal Court judge has been referred to the Disciplinary Counsel of the Ohio Supreme Court for disciplinary action. The judge in question is alleged to have purchased several thousand dollars worth of worn pantyhose that were sold to him by women over the internet. A pantyhose stash found in the judge’s chambers numbered over 300 pairs of ladies pantyhose in various sizes, colors and brands.

    It wasn’t the purchases of the ladies’ pantyhose that landed the judge in trouble; it was his preoccupation with masturbating with the worn pantyhose that has led to the disciplinary actions. The judge cancelled and rescheduled over 400 in chambers conferences with attorneys and over 200 in court hearing to placate his pantyhose fetish. Sources close to the investigation, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed that the judge’s preoccupation with ladies pantyhose also included the services of several local professional dominatrixes who conducted “sessions” with the judge, in chambers, while wearing said pantyhose.

    In the Columbus, Ohio legal community, this is not an unheard of development. The Columbus Bar Association has been in the forefront of developing a sexual addiction task force to deal with the perversions of it’s members. Countless hours are lost each year in law offices across the State of Ohio due to attorneys indulging in internet chat sessions, phone sex, surfing internet porn, and using the services of professional call girls and mistresses. This in turn leads to significant damage done to the cases of clients depending upon the diligence of their counsel to pursue their cases.

    While steps are being taken to help the affected attorneys, everyone involved in the counselling and investigation effort knows that the best that can be accomplished is to contain the problem. Attorneys are hopeless fetishists; a cure for their fetishes appears no where on the horizon.

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